Phoenix Light Aliens Mystery

 Phoenix Light is an incident that happened on March 13, 1997, in which the existence of aliens was proved as if it were. This unidentified light, which was seen flying in the sky, had surprised the whole world.The US government, as before, denied this incident and left no stone unturned to bring the evidence of aliens to be false.

Phoenix Lights Unsolved Events.

Suppose you have gone out for a walk alone or with your family during the night. It is night time and there is no light except the headlight of your car, but suddenly you see five big lights in V shape in the sky, how would it feel?

Exactly something similar happened on March 13, 1997 to the people of Navada and Arizona state of America. When in the dark of night, they saw an unidentified object flying in the sky, which also had lights and was taking the shape of a V shape.

Witnesses of Alien Events.

The special thing about this mysterious incident was that not one or two people but thousands of people had become its witnesses.

March 13, 1997 The place was Henderson, Nevada and the time was around 8:00 pm, a person living here claimed to have seen a VShape object in the sky. The side of this V shape object was similar to that of a Boeing 747 plane!Right 20 minutes after this, at 8:20 Arizona, a police officer saw some red colored lights in the sky. That Light's strange thing was that it was moving in a formation. The object had four lights facing forward and a fifth light behind them.

Arizona's Prescott Valley.

A man named John was standing outside his house in Prescott Valley, Arizona, when he saw the lights coming towards him from afar and also observed for 3 minutes. He told that that light was coming from some v shape object. On the other hand, in Phoenix, America, a family was watching these lights from their home.

Thousands of people had seen those lights like this! This V-shaped object remained in the sky of Arizona for about 2 hours and at 9:45 pm this light entered the city of Phoenix. Thousands of people saw this light there too. The most surprising statement among these thousands of people was also given by a truck driver named Bill Greiner. When Bill was bringing his truck down from Sauaw PeaK Mountain, Bill saw those lights, Bill observed those lights and the object of its v shape for not one or two minutes but for about 2 hours.

Bill's statement was that before this he considered aliens only as part of Fairy Tales. But now he believed in them too. Those lights were nothing but a UFO! This light was last seen in Arizona and suddenly mysteriously disappeared.

The Phoenix Light disappeared, but it left behind many questions. Was it the lights of a plane? Was that really a UFO? All these questions were arising in the minds of the people of Arizona and Nevada.

The US government tried hard to suppress this fact, the government even made a statement that people's eyes must have been deceived, but deceit eats the eyes, but not the camera. There were many videos and photos of that light in the camera as evidence, it was not a hoax of any kind.

USA Government Strategy.

The phenomenon of Phoenix Light was first observed in Arizona and Niwara. There was a dearth of photographic and video footage. Most of the people saw that light with their own eyes. The Governor of Arizona himself was also included in the list of these Witnesses. At that time there were many people who were taking it away from the theory of being a UFO.

One of those who were not ready to consider it as a UFO was Mitch Stanley, he was an Astronomer. Stanley was observing the sky the same night with his 43x zoom telescope. He said that it was military aircrafts flying in a formatting.

The next day the news came with a statement by the US government that it was a Maryland National Guard jet going to conduct a high altitude bombing test at a nearby bombing range. But the surprising thing was that even the military itself was not aware of this operation. This strategy of the US government did not work.

The Maryland National Guard itself admitted that there was no military operation going on there. To divert this entire incident, a lot of evidence was hidden by the US government.

On the other side, a man named Richard in Arizona made a clear video of this incident. He had also shown the video to the top level officer of the state from which the edges of this V shape object could be seen. But Richard and his video were mysteriously missing.

There is no shortage of eyewitnesses and evidence in the city of Phoenix that a UFO advocate named Jim Dilettoso claimed to have studied these lights extensively. He had given a statement that this light was not of any man made object but was natural.

Final Statement.

When all the excuses for hiding the evidence were exhausted, then the US government resorted to the Air Force. The USA Air Force made a statement that the aircraft were sent from Navada to send flayers to the Maryland Bombing Range. This meant that the aircraft did not come from the Arizona side but from the Phoenix side. The people of Arizona rejected this. In the end, everyone had to admit that they were military flayers.


Was the Phoenix Light really an incident during a military operation or was some big secret being hidden by the government. The Phoenix Light was seen by thousands of people at once and it cannot be a coincidence. If we also assume that the general public there did not know any difference between aircraft and UFO, then did not even the governor of Arizona himself know? Phoenix lights remain an unsolved mystery to this day. Many people believe that Phoenix Light is evidence of being aliens, which was disproved by the US government like other evidence.

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