Mariana Trench .

 This earth has been made to hold mysterious places inside itself.  The ocean can be considered as the biggest mystery of the world.  How deep is the sea till date?  It is not easy for anyone to find out.  The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the world or the deepest place ever discovered by man.  The Mariana Trench was discovered in 1875.  In 2012, its depth was measured completely and when its depth was discovered, the scientists were blown away, its depth was more than 1000 meters.

It is quite strange that we humans know a lot about space and universe, but in the case of ocean we know only 5%.  Till date,95% of the ocean is such that it is extremely difficult for humans to discover and reach.

The Mariana Trench is so deep that it is the deepest trench in the world.  You can guess this in such a way that if we keep Mount Everest there, then that too will remain within one and a half kilometers from the sea water.

Amazing Facts of Mariana Trench.

High Temperature.

The Mariana Trench being the deepest part of the ocean, people consider it a cold place and it is also necessary to understand that because the sunlight does not go into the sea after a few kilometers.  But the Mariana Trench has the opposite temperature.  The temperature here ranges from 1 to 4 degrees.  Hydrothermal winds are present in high abundance in the Mariana Trench.  The temperature here becomes high and the temperature here reaches up to 371 degree Celsius.

Due to the temperature, the water coming out brings out the minerals found in the depths of the ocean.  But the surprising thing is that even due to such a high temperature, the water here does not boil.  The reason for this is the pressure here.

High Pressure.

The Marina Trench is also a hot place, but due to the heavy pressure, the water does not boil there, but the temperature remains balanced and the water that is produced in the depths of this trench is very high pressure.  According to the scientists, a pressure of about 15,750 PSI is generated in the depths of the Mariana Trench, which is 1,071 times more than the normal pressure of the atmosphere.

This pressure is so high that you can imagine it in such a way that you can put a hundred hippopotamuses on your head.  That would be so much pressure.

Discovery of Mariana Trench .

The Mariana trench was first discovered in the year 1875 by a British ship SMS Challenger.  At that time, in 1875, its depth was measured to be 4,475 fathoms , which is about 8 kilometers.  The discovery of the Mariana Trench was a great achievement in discovering the secret of the ocean.There are many special reasons behind its popularity.  In the year 2012, its completion depth was measured to be close to 11000 meters.  Even under such high temperature and pressure, 4700 new species of marine life were found here.

The discovery of the species surprised the whole world, if not with Inter.  Anyone at such depth and high temperature and pressure would have lived here.  Didn't think so.

Surface without Sand.

We all know this and also believe that there is sand on the surface of the sea, but if we talk about the deepest place in the world, then it cannot be said that there is sand there.  It can be considered a kind of TED and a cover of dark matter.  In its depths, which we would not have even imagined, such things are seen.

Bridges in Mariana Trench .

The Marian trench is a storehouse of such mysteries that always surprises the thinking of humans.This bridge is not a man-made structure.  These bridges have been formed due to changes in tectonic plates over several hundred years.

Scientists have found many big bridges in the Mariana Trench.  According to scientists, the bridges found in the Mariana Trench can be as high as 6600 feet and can be up to 47 miles long.  With the help of multibeam echo sounder technology, scientists have prepared its map, in which these bridges are shown in detail.

People Traveled Moon ,more than Mariana Trench. 

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world.  It has kept many secrets buried in its depths.  We can estimate this in such a way that till date only three people have gone to the depths of the Mariana Trench, whereas more on the moon.

Rare Elements.

You will be surprised to know that a volcano is also present in the Mariana Trench, but it is not surprising because there are not one, not two, but thousands of volcanoes in the Mariana Trench.  One of these volcanoes is Daikoku.  This volcano is at a depth of about 1300 feet in the sea.  This volcano is considered one of the rarest volcanoes in the world.  The reason for this is the presence of a lake of pure sulfur inside this volcano.

Giant Lives.

Some scientists believe that the world's largest extinct megalondon sark is still in the depths of the Mariana Trench.  Although only claims have been made about this, but no concrete evidence has been found.  New expeditions happen every day in the Mariana Trench and this discovery always takes humans by surprise.  Perhaps in the depths of the Mariana Trench there are creatures bigger than we imagined?

Human in Mariana Trench.

In 1960, 2 scientists went inside the Mariana Trench for the first time.  But this place became more famous when famous filmmaker James Cameron who directed movies like Titanic and Avatar decided to visit this place alone.  This journey was done by James Cameron single-handedly and ended successfully.

Beyond Human Thinking.

The Mariana Trench is beyond human comprehension.  Life is possible in the Mariana Trench even at its depth and high temperature pressure.  Many scientists also believe that if we know the lifestyle of these species in such high temperature and low oxygen places, then we humans will be able to live in low atmosphere even in space.If we are able to do this, then humans will also live in space.