Atlantis The Lost City 

 Atlantis is one of the biggest secrets buried under the sea.The existence of the city of Atlantis has intrigued human civilization for many centuries. Many archaeologists and scientists consider the city of Atlantis to be a mere concoction of Plato's, while on the other hand there are many people in the world who accept the existence of Atlantis and even today the remains of this city are present in the Atlantic sea.Many questions related to the city of Atlantis must be arising in your mind that who built it? For what reason was it built? How did this huge city get destroyed? Today we will know about all these.

The beliefs of Atlantis.

People have many concepts about The Lost City of Atlantis. There are many legends about Atlantis. The people of ancient Greece believed that in the city of Atlantis, both ordinary humans and Greek gods lived together in this city. Atlantis has an important contribution to make Greek mythology famous all over the world.

Amazing Facts About Atlantis.

Our earth is full of mysteries and if there is anything most mysterious on this earth, it is the ocean. It is home to many mysteries and myths. Ancient secrets are hidden here, in these mysteries are Lost City, Lost Treasure, Mystic Ship, Pirates Treasure and Lost Continent.Among all these mysteries, The Lost City of Atlantis is at the top, its mystery remains unsolved till date.

The Lost City of Atlantis was first described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about two and a half thousand years ago.According to Plato at that time, 9000 years ago the Utopian Island Kingdom was inhabited which one day mysteriously disappeared. Although many people consider it to be only a concept of Plato's mind because till date no one has got any solid proof of it.

How Atlantis Built ? 

According to Plato's description, The Lost City of Atlantis was built by the Greek god posiden. There is a story behind its making. The stories of the relationship between gods and humans have always been prevalent in Greek mythology. Same is the case with Atlantis.Cleito was considered one of the most beautiful girls of ancient Greek that Cleito was the daughter of Autocthon Evenor and Leucippe.

In ancient Greek mythology, posiden falls in love with Cleito, posiden was considered as the god of the sea.

When Cleito is of age to get married! Then her parents passed away and during that time posiden, the god of the sea, wedded her.Cleito and Poseidon 5 pairs twins children ,their name is like this , Atlas and Eumelus ,Ampheres and Evamelus,Mestor and elasippus , Mneseus and Autochthon and lastly Azaes and Diaprepes.

The posiden built a beautiful and grand city for Cleito. The city was named Atlantis after their eldest son, Atlas.This grand city was called the heaven of that time. The gods and humans lived together in this city.

Location of Atlantis.

The biggest question for scientists and underwater archeologists is, where is the exact location of Atlantis?

It is believed that the city of Atlantis merged into the sea due to a severe earthquake or tsunami. According to the description of the platos, Atlantis was a very large island, this island was located near the rocks of Gebraltar.There was also a temple of posiden, the god of the sea of ​​Greek mythology. The city was surrounded on all sides by big walls and a canal was also built in it.From the description of the books Timaeud and Critias, written by Plato, it is suggested that the remains of The Lost City of Atlantis would be somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. However, no new technology has revealed the remains of a city in the depths of the ocean.Many scientists and archaeologists believe that Atlantis will be numerous in the Mediterranean Sea along the coasts of Turkey or Spain. Some people also believe that the lost city of Atlantis will be under Antarctica.Scientist has got a new location which is Cadiz due to the new expedition which took place in the recent past. Scientists are sure that the lost city of atlansti must be somewhere between Spain and Morocco. The existence or absence of the city of Atlantis is a mystery in itself. Many questions arise in people's mind that was this Atlantis really? Until there is no proof of the existence of this city of Atlantis, one cannot accept the existence of Atlantis.

Statue Of Posiden.

According to ancient Greek mythology, posiden and cleito had five pairs of twins, the eldest of these 10 children was Atlas and it is believed that one atlas became the first ruler of Atlantis and gave the city its name Atlantis.

According to mythology, Atlas and his brothers had built a grand temple of their father posiden. In this temple there was a huge statue of posiden with a chariot. It is believed that the idol made by Atlas and his brothers was made entirely of gold and the construction of the temple was so huge that it was up to the clouds.

Atlantis Rule Again ? 

The Lost City of Atlantis has so many stories, legends and a world famous philosopher writing about it, despite all this, the existence of the city of Atlantis is still considered an unsolved mystery. Archeologists and scientists have different differences point of view about the existence of the lost city of Atlantis, But Edgar Cayce's theory surprised everyone.

Edgar Cayce believes that just as everything rises, so will the city of Atlantis rise and rule again. It will emerge as a new island and this island will be on the East Coast of North America.

Connection With Aliens? 

There are also many such stories related to the lost city of Atlantis which show that the natives of Atlantis came from the lyrian star system space 50,000 years ago.The height of the people living in the city of Atlantis was much longer than the common man of today. The average age of the people here was considered to be 800 years. This is surprising in today's time. Some people also claim that the people of the city of Atlantis came from Mars and had amazing powers. The people here were able to do tasks like stopping the eruption of volcanoes, changing the weather by their powers. For all these reasons it is said that the people of this city had any relation with the aliens or were the people here themselves aliens? Those who came to our planet from another galaxy or star system.

Atlantis existed or just tale ?

There is no shortage of people all over the world who believe that Atlantis is the concept of the ancient Greek Philosopher Plato, but there are some people who claim to tell the truth of every incident of Atlantis, one of these people is a Robert Ballard's theory reinforces the existence of Atlantis.

According to Robert's story, there was a massive volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini near Greece in the Aegan Sea, due to which all the people living there who were highly advanced, merged somewhere in the sea. The same thing happened with Atlantis.Ignatius donbelly also confirmed the existence of an island at the same time as the place mentioned by Plato.


The existence, or not the existence of the lost city of Atlantic is a mystery in itself, but the bigger mystery is how did such a huge and advanced city mysteriously disappear?

According to Plato, the lost city of Atlantis was devastated by an earthquake or a volcano eruption and merged into the sea. If this city really existed, then it would be considered one of the oldest cities in the world because about 2500 years ago, Plato had told the time of this city 9000 years ago, which has come to be 11500 years .