Stonehenge , England

In all the mysterious places of this world or say that in the arcological side, whether it is the pyramids of Egypt, the huge stone sculptures of Easter Island, the stone has an important contribution in the construction of all these structures.  One such stone structure is present in England, the name of this stone structure is stonehenge.

Stonehenge is a circular structure made of massive heavy stones.This stone structure is about 4500 years old.  There is no written means of its history.  There are many differences among researchers and archaeologists about the structure of Stonehenge and what would have been the reason for making it.  Many people believe that Stonehenge was built by druid priests, while on the other hand some people say that the structure of Stonehenge is 1000 years before the time of Druid.

Where is Stonehenge/Stonehenge Location

Stonehenge is located in the Salisbury plain near Wiltshire in England.  Chronologically it is a prehistoric monument!When stonehenge was discovered, scientists were quite astonished about its stones rather than its structure.  These stones were very heavy and these stones were not found even near that area, so how were they brought here?  For what reason was it brought?  What would have been needed to make it?  These questions gave scientists sleepless nights.

Stonehenge History .

Many myths are prevalent about the reason for making Stonehenge and its history.  The history of Stonehenge can be seen as follows from the amount of historical remains of Stonehenge available with archaeologists and scientists.Its history begins with BC 2750.At that time the mysterious Aubrey Hole at Stonehenge was built.  The number of these holes is 56 and from them the outer perimeter of Stonehenge is made.  Archaeologists believe that the famous Stonehenge hillstone may have been built during this time, which is on the outside of the main gate.  The construction of a double circle inside the outer perimeter of Stonehenge is believed to be 2000 years before Christ.The Stonehenge stones are believed to have been imported from the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire, wales.

These stones weighed 4 tons, the axes found in Stonehenge and other tools found by the archaeologist at the time of research were also made from these stones!Exploration at Stonehenge discovered 75 huge sandstones.  It is believed that these stones may have been brought from an area 20 miles away from Avebury Then these stones were carved without any modern technology and installed on a slope of 18 inches.

New Expedition at Stonehenge.

 Under the leadership of researcher Vince Gaffney, with the help of metal detectors and sonar readings of the land around Stonehenge, it has been able to prepare a digital map of Stonehenge. According to vince gaffney, the area around Stonehenge is still mysterious to us, with the new expedition we will get many more mysterious monuments than Stonehenge. Vince Gaffney found 17 new monuments during his research, which no one knew about. Researchers have been able to locate many more mounds, which are believed to have been used for burial in funeral rites.The new monuments discovered are completely different types of monuments that geologists have never seen. Under this project, new information has also been received about the Dorrington wall near Stonehenge. According to the scientists, it is believed to be of civilization 4300 years ago. This was the same time when Stonehenge was built, according to research, there is a circle of stones of 3 meters around it. There was also a huge cemetery here and there were mounds on some graves. The road to Stonehenge was also built from here. This site was discovered with ground radar technology. It is actually much bigger than stonehenge and given its antiquity, it was named superhenge. The walls of Superhenge are of heavy stones and many of its remains and stones are still under the ground.

Archologists were stunned to see Super Heinz, no one knew that Superhenge was a storehouse of monuments near Stonehenge. In all, 17 such monuments were found by researchers, which also had structures of many temples. It is believed that this was a place of religious rituals, but we have no information about what used to happen there.There is no written history of Stonehenge and Superhenge, when research was done under Stonehenge, the entire archeology world was surprised by the remains found there because these remains proved to be before the time of Stonehenge. The remains of a wooden building have also been found here. Along with skeletons, old utensils and many other life-essential things were also found in the graves. It is 2 miles away from Stonehenge This superhenge has a row of stones 330 meters long. This shape made of rocks was made with a special technique, but how this technique was used at that time and what was this technique is still a mystery.

 Amazing Facts of Stonehenge.

 1.Sold at Auction

 It was sold at auction 6,600£,one owner in the early 1900s, sir Edmund antrobus,was the first who charge an admission fee for visitors.Edmund asked many times, however he refused to sell the property to the British Government.After a death in the Antrobus family in 1915, the Stonehenge land was auctioned off, and Mr. Cecil Chubb, a local barrister, bought it as an option. Cecil gave £6,600 for Stonehenge, which translates to £60,000 as of today. It is believed that he bought it as a gift to his wife. After 3 years, Chubb donated Stonehenge to the British Government. The British government honored Chubb and thanked him.

2. Huge Burial Site.

We all must have heard many roomers about Stonehenge. But have you ever wondered what would be underneath it? You will be surprised to know that archaeologists and researchers have found thousands of bones from under the surface of Stonehenge, making it a massive burial site that belongs to different people. It is believed that they may have been buried here in the Neolithic and Copper Ages.

According to research only the elite were buried at Stonehenge and they were not just the locals many of them were from all over the world. on one of the most interesting things about the remains is that they were almost half men and half Women which gives great insight into equality between the genders all those years ago.

3.Merlin built this ?

 In the medieval times, whatever we learn would have been from words of mouth,including fictitious and non-fictitious stories.a legend of Geoffrey famous for it.The story is , Merlin,on a quest from king Aurelius Ambrosius , traveled to Ireland to retrieve healing stones from a circular rock formation called the Giants Ring.These were then brought back to England and Stonehenge was erected in honor of the hundreds of Briton Slayed by the Saxons.

4.Stones from 242 km away.

There are many rumors about Stonehenge stones , the larger stones which are thought to have been sourced locally, the 80,smaller surrounding stones,known as bluestones,can actually be traced back to to the hills which is around 242 kilometers away in wales. How these two tone heavy stones were transported is still unclear, with one theory suggesting ,it had something to do with glacial movements.some theorist suggest that these heavy stones were brought through boats from wales but no one has know the reason for what Stonehenge was built?