Tutankhamen was Egyptian pharaoh of 18th dynasty .

Pharaoh Tutankhamen

Tutankhmen is considered the most mysterious king of ancient Egypt history. Tutankhamen became king only at the age of 9 in 1333 B.C.(1333-23B.C)His father's name was Akhenaton . Due to his young age and low experience, he was handled by his advisors and his uncle, Commander Aye.
Tutankhamen made many changes in his rule by reforming the states  which his father had poor relations, he had changed many of the rules of his father's Akhenaton  by going against them.

Tutankhamen married his step-sister Anck Su Namun. Tutankhamen and Anck Su Namun had two unborn children. One of them died at 5 months in the womb and the other at 9 months in the womb. All this were written on their tomb discovered in 1922.
Tutankhamen had made a religious insistence on stopping the worship of the Sun from the time of his father and starting the worship of the Moon . He also built temples and shrines for the worship of the moon .

Tutankhamens Tomb:

Tutankhamen died at the age of 19years. The fame that Tutankhamen did not get during his reign,perhaps he got so much fame after his death.In 1922, Harvard Carter found his Tomb, which was kept in the Valley of Kings. The mummy of the ancient rulers of Egypt is kept in the Valley of Kings. A wealth of gold and ivory jewelery was found from the tomb of Tutankhamen. It was Tutankhamens Treasure Carter wrote in his report that when he saw the Tomb of Tutankhamen, he was wearing an amulet and that his body was placed in three tombs which was made of gold.

During an X-ray in 1968, it was discovered that a bone had been stained in his brain, which led to the belief that he was  murdered.

Tutankhamen Curse :

When Harvard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922, they found something written on that tomb it was "The one who disturbs the peace of the king will die." Harvard and his team has no idea that how true it was . After this the people of Harvard and his team started dying naturally and unnaturally. 30 people associated with this expedition died. This is believed to be the reason of Tutankhamen Curse .

The things of Curse became famous when suddenly Lord Carnarvon found died in Cairo on April 5, 1923. Another team member whose name was Joseph also died on May 16, 1923 and in 1923 wulf jule who paid Carter was found dead in Nile River .

30 people associated with this expedition had died. People still consider the curse of Tutankhamens  tomb as the reason for the death of those 30 people.


:Nobody till day finds out the real reason behind the death of those 30 people.

: chemicals on Tutankhamen Tomb can be the reason of their death .but still we have no clue of the real reason behind this . 
: Tutankhamens Tomb is one of the most mysterious place in this world .

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