Egypt Pyramid Mystery

Egypt is the country in Africa Continent which had brought light to the entire Africa.

The continent which the worldly biggest dynasties considered as a poor and slave continent, one of the most Ancient Civilization was born in that Continent .

The Egyptian Civilization affected the whole world with its influence .

The Architectural , Arts and the prosperity here had astonished the whole world .The History of Egypt is very glorious and ancient than we think .

Early Times in Egypt : 

The earliest times of Egypt is believed
To be 40,000 B.C.E. The first outline of World Civilization took place in this region , according to the Historical Sequence the humans of stone age to settle here and with the passage of time they came into Iron age .The early Egyptian made their home in the Mokattam Mountain range . After a long time the people of ancient Egypt started moving west from the Mokattam mountains to The Nile River .Egyptian. Used to live in the small caves of Mount Mokattam and hunt other small animals surrounding them .

After that many centuries passed in Egypt , till then the ancient Egyptian people left the Mokattam mountain and started living in the lower Expanse of the Nile River , so as the Times of History also changes with from the stone age to copper age moving along with them .

Anubis and Horus .

Different types of people started Researching on different things around them . out of these people. A hero whose name was Anubis is to research the Stars and Horus , a philosopher had to research the Moon and the Sun .
Both of them started the Creation of Calendar by studying Earth and Universe, in this Calendar The time takes the Form of Date for the First time.

Early Egyptian Dynasty:

Thousands of years ago the legendary story of Minus Dynasty found here. 
Minus was the First Dynasty of Egypt . according to the Historians "The disease of worshiping the King like a god a god started from this dynasty". The king bears the name Mina and makes Memphis the first capital of his rule .
Memphis was the first capital of the world History . Minus becomes the first emperor of Egypt and the first Pharaoh emperor.A total of 31 dynasties ruled over Egypt .

Egyptian Pyramid & mummy: 

After so many years, if anyone has preserved the history of ancient Egypt, then the credit for this goes only to the pyramids. Inside these pyramids, the king was buried in the form of a mummies  with chemicals .
The workmanship of the pyramid was such that people used to be surprised to see it. The stones should be able to move in one place and one stone should not look different from the other stone was made this way. One of these pyramids is The Great Pyramid of Giza of world famous for a tomb this is the tomb of a king, the king whose mummy is in this royal tomb, his name was Kufu.


:These pyramids have saved the history of Egypt. It is because of these that today we know about people like Tutankhamen, Akhenaten and Cleopatra .
:Although we have not been able to understand the hieroglyphs written on the walls of the pyramids of Egypt and the walls of the tombs, to which many important things of the history of Egypt are associated.

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