What is Bermuda ?

Bermuda  is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean. The closest land is in the American state of North Carolina, approximately 1,035 km (643 mi) west-northwest of the territory.

What is Bermuda Triangle . 

Bermuda Triangle, section of the North Atlantic Ocean off North America in which more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said to have mysteriously disappeared. The area, whose boundaries are not universally agreed upon, has a vaguely triangular shape marked by the Atlantic coast of the Florida panhandle (in the United States), Bermuda, and the Greater AntillesReports of unexplained occurrences in the region date to the mid-19th century. Some ships were discovered completely abandoned for no apparent reason; others transmitted no distress signals and were never seen or heard from again. Aircraft have been reported and then vanished, and rescue missions are said to have vanished when flying in the area. However, wreckage has not been found, and some of the theories advanced to explain the repeated mysteries have been fanciful. Although theories of supernatural causes for these disappearances abound, geophysical and environmental factors are most likely responsible.  

It is an artificial lines joining the area of Miami , Bermuda and Puerto Rico of USAWhich takes a shape of a triangle.This area if well know for its mysterious sinking of airplane and ships. You will be shocked to hear about its first incident with commander Thomas.

Commander Thomas story :

Commander Thomas had gone for a night training program with the best crew of US Navy men on 9th July 1945

Everything was going well ,but after 4 hours suddenly something strange started to feel them in the plane. Suddenly they lost contact with Miami Air Control and neither they getting any SOS signal. They disappear mysteriously.As soon as the US government came into action , they conducted a rescue for 10 days but there was no trace of Commander Thomas and his crew .

The Torpedo Bomber Story :

After the 5 months of disappearing Thomsa and his crew , The US army conducted a training program on 5th December 1945 a group of Torpedo Bombers was sent to Bermuda for a training session  , according to their strategy,  the training should be over in 2-3 hours . They were to return in 4 hours but as soon as they entered in Bermuda , they all started to feel panic and strange weather around them .

As soon as the mission commander felt some risk he canceled the mission and ordered to go back  to Florida, but by then it was too late !

The sky had turned dark and a pilot tried to find the way of Florida but his compass was not working properly and the whole group of Torpedo Bomber Disappeared Mysteriously.

They were connected to Florida until they Disappeared .

Half an hour later a rescue plane was sent there ,but it also happened to be in the same state as the Torpedo Bombers . for the next 5 days , there were more than 100 rescue operation by the US but they got nothing.


The secret of Bermuda Triangle is quite ancient . about 30 incident happened here and no trace of them has been found till date .may be this is the reason that why super powers of this world changes there path here .

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