The Great Pyramid of Giza 

This world is full of mysterious places. Whenever we think of a mysterious place, the first name that comes to our mind is Egypt. The mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids and the reasons for which they were built have kept the world wondering. Although the pyramids of Giza have remained only tombs, but archaeologists and other scholars consider it to be much more than a tomb. The famous show ancient aliens coming on National Geographic Channel has even claimed that the pyramid was a way or an important place for the aliens to come to earth.About 4,500 years ago, Egypt was ruled by the ancient Egyptians. They made beautiful and wonderful artifacts in their time and made their culture more grand, which we still get to see in Egypt today. But with this they left behind many secrets like existence of aliens, relation of pyramid with constellations, keeping the temperature inside the pyramid natural which is only 20 degree.

The pyramid has been studied by many techniques till date, but the purpose of its construction has not been known till date. It is impossible to make it 4,500 years ago without any machine and scientific technology from today. Which concrete did they use? It is astonishing to bring so many heavy stones in one place and keep them in the right position.Only 23 lakh limestone stones have been used inside one pyramid. The weight of each stone of Pyramid ranges from 2,000 tons to 70,000 tons.

Orion Correlation Theory.

When the pyramid was studied at night, it was found that the pyramid aligns with the constellation of space. The Orion Belt Constellation is a group of stars made up of three main stars, 1.Mintaka 2.Alnilam 3.AlnitakMany intellectuals believe that aliens came to Earth from these stars at that time and built pyramids so that they could come to Earth.

Tunnels in Pyramid of Giza .

There are tunnels inside the pyramid. When these tunnels were seen from inside by a robot, it was found that each tunnel is closed by a door. Behind those doors are the chambers! These are the three discovered chambers named Base Chamber, Queens Chamber and Kings Chamber. Although only 3 chambers have been discovered so far, but there are many more chambers inside the pyramid, which we do not know.

Why were the pyramids built?

Everyone believes that the pyramid is a type of tomb in which the ancient king and queen of Egypt have been kept mummified, but this is not true. To date, not a single mummy has been found inside the pyramid. The chambers that were found there were empty and neither do the famous Egyptian hieroglyphs like other tombs on those tombs! So what would have led to the pyramid of Egypt being built?

Center of World.

If we look at the geographic center of the earth, it is nowhere else but a pyramid. These pyramids are built on the geographical center of the earth. Some consider it to be just a coincidence. But it is also that 4,500 years ago, people's mathematics was not so good and people considered the earth not round but flat, so how did they know that this is the center of the earth.One angle of the pyramid goes straight towards the North Pole, with a difference of only a few kilometers and this difference is due to the movement of the tectonic plate in the Earth's core.

Amazing Facts of Pyramid Giza 

The stones used in the pyramids of Egypt are not common stones. This stone is like limestone but not limestone. It is capable of withstanding the heat and keeping the internal temperature at 20 degrees and is built in an earthquake-free manner. The connection of the pyramid with the stars and their formation in the line of the Constellation cannot be a coincidence. Such a structure is possible only when seen from an aerial view and about 4500 years ago, there was no such technique to get an aerial view, nor was such a mathematical method developed that one could find the direction of the North Pole and determine its direction to build a pyramid. Many big scientists, archaeologists and intellectuals of the world believe that the pyramid was not built by humans but by aliens.

Alien Drawings.

Egyptian hieroglyphs and drawings are seen on every historical monument. There are many such drawings in these drawings that affect the existence of aliens. Like spaceships, alien-sized people and so on.

Dendera Lights.

There is a temple in Egypt named Dendera , this temple was built by the ancient Egyptians for their one god, Hathor. It is one of the most mysterious temples of Egypt. The back of the temple was covered with sand and around the end of the 18th century it was pulled out of the sand. During the study of this temple, scientists found such a figure which is found only in this place in the whole of Egypt. It is called Dendera Lights.

A light bulb is seen in the picture. This means that about 4500 years ago, the people of Egypt had the knowledge of electricity. This could be the bulb that would have helped those people to build pyramids and other buildings during the night. The filament inside the bulb is depicted as a rope or snake. At the end of the lower part of this is a lotus flower which is like the modern socket of today's time. There is a wire going down which goes to a box which will get electricity.

The Sphinx of Giza.

The great sphinx is one of the most mysterious sculptures in all of Egypt. It is depicted as half human and half lion. Even today no one knows for whom it was built. It is made of only one stone. There are many chambers under it.

June 24 This is the day when the longest night and the longest day in the world occur together. When the sun sets on this day, it is in the middle of two pyramids, just behind the head of the Sphinx.

Touch to see Sphinx

The Pyramid of Egypt is still being studied today and the day when all its mysteries are solved, the reason for building the pyramid will be revealed, that day will be written in golden letters in world history. It may be that along with these mysteries, human civilization may also get evidence of being aliens.