The Great Sphinx of Giza 

Egypt is the place in the world which has many mysteries contained within it. These secrets have been coming in front of humans with the passage of time. Attempts were made to explain these mysteries many times but to no avail.

If there is one most mysterious place in the whole world, then it is the pyramids of the hot desert of Egypt and other monuments there. One of these is the mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza.

There are many questions regarding its construction structure and the tunnels present inside. To which no one has got the answer till date.The Sphinx is a huge statue made of limestone, which has an amazing structure.The sphinx idol has the body of a lion and the head of a human. It is on the Giza Plateau on the Nile River in the east of the city of Giza.The length of this huge idol from claw to tail is 240 feet and height is 66 feet.It is considered to be the oldest sculpture in Egypt.This huge idol was carved out of a single stone.

The construction of the great sphinx of Giza was commissioned by the ruler of Egypt at the time possibly King Khafre a Pharaoh of the fourth Egyptian dynasty ruled around for 4,500 years ago.

Although some historians and archaeologists believe that its construction is even before the time of King Khafre.The Giza Sphinx is counted among the oldest sculptures in the world. Although there are many differences among historians about its construction even today Like who made this idol, when was it made, for what reason and why?

Name and Sphinx shape 

What is the real name of giza splinx and by what name was it called in ancient times. It is difficult to trace it! Because, all the documents associated with this huge statue are not present with history.

100 years ago, the sphinx was only a mystery to historians and archeologists because at that time only its head was visible and the rest of the body was under the soil,For this reason, its full length was not known to anyone and it was also difficult to guess what size it was.

If you look at the picture of the year 1920, you will only be able to see the head of the sphinx.After this, in the year 1925, the team of historians and Archaeologists excavated around the sphinx and took out its entire entire.Similarly, more than 1300 small sphinx are present in the Temple of Luxor in Egypt, which conveys the ancient culture of Egypt.

Age of Sphinx :

Color marks are present on the surface of the sphinx ,These paint marks are more than 3000 years old! It is said that King Tut got the repair work done here. At the same time paint was applied on it.

Now the question arises that how old will be the idol which would have needed repair 3000 years ago? The color marks found on the idol raise new questions about its age and its timing.In 1950, marks of water erosion were seen on this idol, but in Egypt for the last 9000 years it has not rained enough to see water marks on any idol.

Now the question arises that this sphinx is much older than historians and archology estimated because the water marks on the sphinx could mean that this statue was built when Egypt was not a desert.It is possible that the Sphinx may have been built by the people of the civilization that lived here before ancient Egypt but,However, there is no solid evidence for these things.

Tunnels in sphinx:

The most famous if any thing in the whole giza is sphinx. But very few people know that there is also a tunnel on the head of this huge idol.At present, this tunnel is closed with an iron round door. Historians and archaeologists also do not want to bring out the mystery of this tunnel. For this it has been closed and no one has much information about it.

In 1800, Edgar Cayce of America predicted that in the twentieth century, in the tunnels built inside the Sphinx, a library would be found as the Hall of Records, in which the details of the decline of old civilizations and their mysterious disappearance would be written.

In 1998, under the supervision of the Supreme Council of Antiques, excavation was done under the sphinx so that the Hall of Records could be found but no library was found there but tunnels made in the sphinx were discovered.In 1743 charles Thompson wrote in his book that those who climbed on the head of the sphinx saw a round tunnel there, through which one could descend into that statue. In 1920, a team of engineers closed it with an iron door and in 1940 a Harvard University professor George Andrew made a drawing of the sphinx in which he described which way the tunnel would be inside it. He also predicted that the Sphinx would have huge rooms and a grand temple of the Sun God. Andrew also believed that under the soil of Egypt there are ancient cities that once existed.But till now no disclosure has been made regarding these things.

New Mystery Egypt and Sphinx :

The mystery of the great sphinx of Giza does not end here, but it is more mysterious and ancient than the thinking of the entire human civilization.In 2006, many big revelations about the sphinx came to the fore, when a 12-year-old boy from Russia, Boriska, revealed that he was a man from Mars in a previous life and that he used to make contact with Earth. No one in the world took this thing seriously. But when Boriska said that there was a door near the ear of the sphinix that leads directly into the statue and when it was examined and the door was found there, people were surprised.

Archaeologists examined the sphinx by radar and found several empty chambers and rooms inside the sphinx about which Boriska had already told. Nothing was disclosed about what they got from there, and Boriska was also barred from making a statement on the sphinx.During that time the discovery and the remains found in the sphinx were hidden from the outside world.There was something in the Sphinx that was hidden from the entire human civilization, something that the archaeologists do not want to be brought in front of the world, but with time, one day it will definitely come in front of the human civilization.