Maya Civilization History.

In ancient times, many civilizations existed in this world.  One of those civilizations was the Maya civilization.  The Maya civilization was an important civilization of Mexico.  It extended over Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and the Yucatá subcontinent.  The Maya civilization was very advanced from its time.This civilization caught the attention of the world when the explorers found the remains of this civilization on Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Yucata Island.

One of those relics was the Maya calendar. The specialty of this calendar was that on December 21, 2012, this calendar would end.  This news spread very fast around the world and many scholars,Archaeologist, Historians  also speculated that it may happen that the world will end in 2012.

The History of Maya civilization

This civilization started in 1500 BC.  It was at the peak of its prosperity  from 300 BC to 900 BC.  How this ancient civilization ended, it remains a mystery even today.  Scholars, historians and archaeologists from all over the world are engaged in finding out this mystery.There are some such mysteries of Maya civilization which are tried to solve even today but nothing is achieved.  In the country of Guatemala, located near Central America, there is a place named Tikal, during the excavation of land in the Guatemalan jungle in the 1970s, a complete temple was found.  Now this city is well known as Tikal .
People of excavation site  were surprised to see this temple that how did this temple come in the forest where no one lives.  When the estimates of the time of this temple were made by Archaeologists , it was even more surprising because this temple was one and a half thousand years old.

Maya Civilization Location

When excavated in Guatemala, more buildings, cities and forts which were buried in the ground were found by Archaeologists.When excavated in Guatemala, more buildings, cities and forts buried in the ground were found.
The architecture of these buildings was amazing.  These were cities of the Maya civilization, their walls were carved with calendars.
The people of the Maya civilization had developed their own method to calculate the day, night, month and year.  These calendars are called Maya calendars.
It is believed that the calendar of Maya civilization reset itself on December 2012.  No evidence was found that the Maya had even predicted any natural disaster, so that it could be known how this civilization came to an end.  In fact, the calendar of the Maya civilization is a complex calendar.
The story of this civilization begins.  About 4000 years ago from today, at that time also primitive humans lived here and used to feed themselves by hunting.According to the archaeologist, these people started making settlements about 3800 years ago.  Gradually it became a settlement village and due to the increase in population, these villages became big cities.
The surprising thing is that the people of Maya civilization were literate in 1500 BC!  They had their own special language as well as they had many manuscripts.The people of Maya civilization have described the celebrations and everyday things through their hieroglyphs.The Mayan  people made pages of the book from the bark of the tree and made hieroglyphs as well as figures on them.  Unfortunately, in the 1540s, the Spanish raiders burned these books of Mayan people  because they believed that these books were filled with superstitions of the Maya civilization.
When the Spaniards came to this island, there could not be a harmony between Spanish people and the people of Maya civilization.  The Spaniards wanted to convert the whole  people of this developed civilization to Christianity and because of this they tried to destroy this culture itself.
The Mayan had thousands of books written by the Maya themselves.  The Spanish people burnt those books, out of which only 4 books are left.

These Books 👇🏻

1.The Dresden Codex 

2.Tro-Cortesianus Codex

3.The Presianus Codex

4.The Grolier Codex 

The people of Maya civilization were very good astronomers.  They had kept very meticulous records of the direction of stars, moon, sun and planets.For this reason, They had created an accurate time table, from which They had knowledge of eclipses, solstice and other astronomical events.

Tikal was the largest city of the Maya civilization.  This shows that the Maya civilization developed significantly from its time.  The ancient Maya civilization collapsed 1000 years ago.  That doesn't mean they gone.  The Mayan people tried hard to maintain their culture.  Even today some people of this civilization live in South America.  Some moved to other parts of the world.
Guatemala and parts of Mexico have ethnic groups that carry traditions such as today's Mayan  language, dress and religion.