Many civilizations were born from the origin of human life on earth. The great people of all these civilizations made their important contribution in the development & prosperity of human life in different ways. The history of many civilizations has been lost and some only have archaeological remains which have astonished the whole world.

Today we will know about one of these important civilizations, Babylonia and its mysterious Hanging Garden.

                  Babylonian Empire

Babylonia is situated in present day Iraq (Persia). In ancient times the northern part of Mesopotamia was called Assyria and southern part was called Babylonia.
A grand civilization like Babylonia was built on the fertile region that came between two rivers.

Establishment of Babylon Empire 

At the beginning of the 24th century BC, King Sargon of Akkad set out to expand his empire over the lands of West Asia. Sargon extended his empire from Elam in the east to Syria in the west. Sargon had also conquered the cities of Sumer .Sargon's descendant Hemurabi started his rule around 2123 BC and established Babylonia city.

Babylon city

                                         Babylon City 

Babylonia became a metropolis of empire which was surrounded by big walls, this metropolis had a population of more than 2,00,000.

Gardens of Babylon 

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were considered one of the 7 wonders of ancient times. This garden was located in the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq. However, there is no definite or archeological proofs that this garden was really existed .It is said that these gardens were not situated on the ground. These were made on top of the stone roof of a palace.

Amazing facts of Babylon Hanging Gardens 

The Hanging Garden was one of the 7 wonders of ancient times that probably never existed.
It is said that King Nebuchadnezzar II built this garden for his wife Amytis.where Queen Amytis lived before her wedding there were waterfalls , tall trees and flowering shrubs were common but it was lacking in Babylonia for this the king made the Hanging garden for her queen amytis.

 Nebuchadnezzar ll the king Babylon ruled 605 to 562 BC . It is believed that these gardens were built in this period.
Two centuries before the arrival of Christ, there was a severe earthquake in babylon due to which these gardens were destroyed.
Many ancient Greek and Roman historians have written about these gardens and everyone has a different opinion on it.Many ancient Greek and Roman historians have written about these gardens and everyone has a different opinion on it .But till now no archaeological evidence of Hanging Garden of Babylonia has been found.

If the Babylon Gardens were to be existed , it would have required 31,000 liters of water per day to irrigate them.
It is believed that these gardens were built at a height of 75 feet from the ground.There are many manuscripts of Babylonian times, but none of them mention this garden.
According to many ancient historians and archaeologists, this garden was actually existed and was destroyed due to war and earthquake.

The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus has described that these gardens were spread over an area of ​​400 square feet on all the terraces of the palace . The walls of this palace were up to 80 feet high.
According to diodorus description in 1899 to 1917 a German archaeologist Robert koldewey discovered a site which was similar to diodorus description.
Robert found 3 dry pools there and it is believed that these pools were used for irrigation of Gardens .Many historians and archaeologists question Robert's discovery as the site was found 480 km away from Babylonia.


: Babylon was onr of the ancient civilization ever and it was not so hard to built a hanging garden on a palace at height of 80 ft.