Lakhpat Fort

lakhpat is a historic town situated at kutch in Gujarat. lakhpat shares its boundaries with the neighbor nation Pakistan.
In the late - medieval times lakhpat was the main coastal town where ships from  Sindh, The Persian Gulf , East Africa as well as the other parts of India ,unloaded and loaded Cargo .
Lakhpat had rich  Architectural,
Cultural and Economic prosperity.
Lakhpat was surrounded all sides by Fort wall . The fort gained prominence during the regency of Jamadar Fateh Mohammad.

Its magnificent gates 1.Bhuj Varo Nako
2. Katha Varo Nako connect the region with the sea routes that facilitates 
Cultural and Economic exchange.

Jamadar Fateh Mohammad was a poor ,
Illiterate herdsman of Ratiyar village in Bhuj . his Notiyar Community of Muslims were loyal to Raos of Kutch.

The Mahrao Raydhan II made him lieutenant in charge of  twenty foot soldiers .he swungs the loyalty of lakhpat .as time passes Kutch becames a unified state and maharao made him The Administrator of state in 1786 A.D

As diplomat Fateh Mo.had good relations with Tipu Sultan (Mysore)
Who gifted him a cannon named Haidari in the Exchange of Kutchi Horse .
It is said that the British could not enter in to the Kutch as long as Fateh Mohammad was alive .Fateh died in 1813 A.D

Places to visit in Lakhpat 

Akbani Mahal 

Akbani Mahal , a complex of five 
Interconnected single and double storeyed houses that belongs to five 
Akbani brothers stands as the living symbol of such traditions of the community . its a gorgeous wood and stone carved housing complex .The 
Akbanis stored a range of goods .
These houses with connecting courtyards also represent notable  Architectural intricacies and Craftsmanship of the late 19th Century.

Lakhpat have rich heritage as Ahmedabad and a Heritage Walk 
Which covers whole Lakhpat from 
Gurudwara Pehli Patashi(Walk Starts)
 to Bhuj Varo Nako ( Walk End ).

Source:- Gujarat Tourism